Shaykh Sharif Abdoul Wahab Sharani Hydara, legally known as Sarane Hydara of Serekunda, son of Shaykh Mahfous Samsidine (a direct descendant of the Holy Prophet of Islam, PBUH),
A British schooled Civil Engineer with over 20 years of experience in procurement, civil works design and supervision, contracts and project management.
A Civil Servant with the government of The Gambia from 1993 to 2007, the proprietor/Managing Director of Mahfous Engineering Consultants, the Executive Director of Shaykh Mahfous Institute of Technology.
A Muslim on a spiritual journey, a family man, married with children and currently sits on 2Nr Board of Trustees.
A seasoned charity worker with over 25 years field experience; setting up new offices and implemented projects in the Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone
Redefining Corruption for Human Development
Newly Published Book - Get a copy now !!
his book redefines corruption with an all-encompassing definition, highlighting all types and forms of corruption. It looks at a few common or well-known definitions of corruption and evaluates their limitations and effects on corrupt individuals, products, data, systems, and institutions.
The primary objective for writing this book is to inform and prepare the young and innocent people who are at academic institutions and those who have newly joined employment in corruption-polluted governments, institutions, donor-funded projects, departments, etc, not to fall prey to the culture of corruption. With this book, they would be able to see some of the corrupt practices by presidents, prime ministers, ministers, directors, managers, accountants, auditors, procurement officers, contracts committee members, junior and other senior staff that they may work under and be able to say no to their corrupt practices. In a corrupt working environment, this book should be helpful to policymakers and lawmakers in defining and enacting anti-corruption policies and laws.
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